The extractor is MADE IN ITALY, which means that it has been designed and built within the Lega factory, with all the experience and quality that has always characterized us. Due to bio security concerns, no products that have come into contact with bees, honey or wax can be accepted for return or exchange. No limit to the number of frames to be honey extracted, Lega honey extractors will accompany you over time, as only a quality product can do. The shape and structure of the extractor make it solid, stable and long-lasting. The motor has a variable speed, to be able to modulate the speed during honey extraction, accelerating it when the frames begin to empty. The total discharge allows to have no honey residues on the bottom of the vat, helping the beekeeper also in this aspect. The vat and the cage are in stainless steel, as required by the legislation on materials in contact with honey. Owne production made of food production applicable stainless steel Type 1.4301 (304). Extracting is one of the final steps in the beekeeping process, and it is where you reap the benefits of your efforts. This is where the honey is flung out and the combs are spun. They use centrifugal force in a drum or container with frame baskets. This honey extractor is one of the medium sized honey extractors in the Lega range, but it has the same quality as our entire line as it is made with the same components used for the larger honey extractors. Honey extractors are simple mechanical devices that extract honey from honeycombs. Safety system in the lid, the extractor works only with the lid closed to protect the operator during processing. With this honey extractor 12 Dadant super frames can be extracted. RADIAL12 radial honey extractor with stainless steel cage and variable speed TOP motor - 12 Dadant super honeycombs Measures lattice for frames: Width 310 mm /.
Professional honey processing lines (0).

Queen marking kit and and square cages (0).