This is a female police officer or a male police officer, respectively. A ‘DOT’ is a vehicle belonging to the department of transportation. This is if you spot a police aircraft like a helicopter overhead. This refers to a cop - any cop - seen on the road.
A checkpoint charlie is a place allocated for police officers to spy drunk drivers, those who are speeding, or drivers with expired licenses.

So what are some crucial pieces of trucker lingo for cops that you need to know? Here are the basics. Trucker lingo for cops is occasionally derogatory but mostly just harmless slang for when you see a cop eyeing up the road, to let other truckers know they are there. Police officers tune in to CB Radio and often communicate over it too. CB Radio helps truckers keep in touch on the road, helping them warn each other of traffic, safety concerns, or generally chat about anything and everything under the sun! It might sound like gibberish to the average listener, but to truckers, their second language truly is the trucker slang they learn while on the road.Īlthough police officers are essential workers who play an important role, they have not had the best relationship with truckers in the past. Part of the trucker slang’s truck ing culture is having awesome slang, nicknames and numbered codes which truckers use to communicate via CB Radio. If you are seeking a change and looking to start a new career as a trucker - or perhaps you’re already a trucker and you’re unhappy with the company you currently work for - check out this fun article on trucker slang and how you can be a happier, healthier truck driver with a better career than ever before! Trucker slang is a whole language in itself and in order to fit into trucker culture, you’d better get learning. If you are a seasoned trucker, you know that trucker slang makes up a huge portion of conversations over CB Radio and at truck stops.